Signature Coffee
Signature Coffee
Café Viennois25
Black coffee, whipped cream, homemade chocolate sauce & chocolate flakes
Dark Chocolate25
Chocolate powder, milk & homemade chocolate sauce
Hazelnuts (Latte / Cappuccino)25
Chocolate powder, milk & homemade chocolate sauce
Matcha Green Tea Latte25
Macha green tea poweder served with milk.
Maple (Latte / Cappuccino)25
Maple (Latte / Cappuccino
Dark (Latte / Cappuccino)25
Double espresso, milk, homemade chocolate sauce & cinnamon powder
Raspberry ( latte / Cappuccino)25
Double espresso, milk, raspberry syrup,raspberry fruit and chocolate flakes.
Vanilla Almond (Latte / Cappuccino)25
Double espresso,almond milk,vanilla syrup & almond bit
Iced Coffee
Espresso, 1 scoop of coffee ice cream, crushed hazelnuts & chocolate flakes.
Caramel Coffee25
Double espresso, cold milk, 2 scoops of salted caramel ice cream, caramel sauce & whipped cream.
Vanilla Coffee25
Double espresso, cold milk, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, chocolate flakes & whipped cream.
Berry Me25
Milk, 2 scoops of white chocolate, raspberry ice cream, fresh mixed wild berries & whipped cream.
Strawberry Coffee25
Double espresso, 2 scoops of strawberry ice cream strawberry fruit and whipped cream